
Sunday, 28 September 2014

Please Meet Mr Squeak

He is all ready and even dressed up for the occasion. He is a lovely little fellow, very friendly and sweet and he loves dandelions. He finally found a new home that I think he is quite happy about.

Friday, 26 September 2014

Just an Idea

While working on my latest embroidery, I kept thinking about all the short bits and pieces of embroidery floss I have accumulated in the box with the bobbins. You know, the ones that are not long enough to be wrap onto a bobbin but still not short enough to be thrown away. I just kept pushing them all into one small compartment of the box. Stitch by stitch I kept looking at this ball of "mess" and I kept thinking.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Work in Progress: Squeak.. Squeak...

That's what on my work table at the moment. This tiny squeaky fellow suddenly appeared on my desk one sunny morning. He was looking for a new home to live in and I have an idea that I can't wait to share with you. Hopefully soon.

It's rather an unexpected project that started with a simple sketch. Even though I am terrified of mice in real life, I absolutely adore cute designs with them. Come back soon to see what it's going to be. Larisa xox

Monday, 22 September 2014

Simple and Nice

Oh, I am so excited! I was asked to make something! Something for my Not So Little Boy. A new phone case. You might be wondering why such a small and simple thing makes me so excited? Well, there are a few reasons for that. First - I love making things for my family and friends, second - it's not easy to find a project to sew for a pre-teen boy, and third - he hardly asks for anything really (apart from an elastic strap for his lunch box last week).

Friday, 19 September 2014

Lunch Box Straps

I have to admit - I like lunch boxes. Especially Japanese ones, that are colourful, have a few small compartments and are cute. Usually they are secured with an elastic strap or belt that doesn't come with the boxes.

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

I Have Got Mail!

From Scotland this time! How fun is that! I had no idea what I would find inside the envelope, which one of the Artist's Trading Cards would make it all the way to Australia. To my greatest surprise the card turned out to be from Catherine of KnottedCotton, my secret partner for this round of VeryBerryHandmade Artist's Trading Card Swap. The theme for this swap was "Getting Away From It All" and Catherine made this beautiful card for me, a picture of the Bass Rock. You can read about it here and here. I absolutely love the simplicity of the scenery in this tiny card and the way Catherine created the sea. A few different shades of fabric stitched together on top of each other using threads of various colours. So creative! Thank you, Catherine, SO MUCH!

Monday, 8 September 2014

Simplicity of Hand Sewing

A while ago I bought a wonderful book Sewn by Hand written by Susan Wasinger. What appeals to me in this book is that every single project is sewn entirely by hand. No sewing machine required, no precise seams, just the simplicity of hand stitches. The weather hasn't been great lately, wet and gloomy day and night, so it was a nice opportunity for me to work on a small project from this book. It's a baby bib. What gives this bib a very unique look is a simple running stitching and the frayed edges.

Thursday, 4 September 2014

Sketching Away

I've been busy. Not with the usual fabrics and needles but rather with pencils and paper. I kept thinking of getting back to drawing but you know how it usually happens, one thing comes up first, then something else follows and they are all important things that require your time and attention, and at the end of the day there is no time or energy left just for you, for things that you wanted to do but didn't think were important. This time it was a chain of tiny events that finally got me back to my drawing notebook.

Monday, 1 September 2014

Artist's Trading Card Swap "Getting Away From It All" Part Two

Yay! It's finished and ready to be send away. ATC number two that I completed for the swap organised by Ali of VeryBerryHandmade. The second card has been inspired by my passion for figure skating. Ice rink is a great "get away from it all" place for me. Ice rink is the place where my heart sings, where I can forget about anything, well, almost anything. It's the place where I feel like a little careless girl again.