
Thursday, 19 January 2017

Tutorial: Origami Love Heart Bookmark

How about some origami made with fabric instead of paper? Sounds good? Well, then get your favourite prints and let's get started! We will make a pretty love heart bookmark. I am using Liberty and Hello Bear prints for my little heart.

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Hello My Sweet Friends!

It feels like it's been so long since my last post here and I miss it so much. With my Little One turning into a real boy and giving up his day sleep and the summer school holidays, I find it more challenging to dedicate any time to my blog than ever before. I am spending snippets of my spare time sewing and reading, but mostly it's all about chasing my Little Monkey. But I do come here regularly and I am so grateful to you for visiting me, leaving your comments, asking questions and following my sewing adventures. Your support and encouragement is very important and dear to me. Thank you all so much! I hope you are having a good and very creative beginning of the year. I cannot believe that half of January has gone by already.