
Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Simple Solutions

We had a very rainy weekend a few weeks ago. Grey and gloomy, cold and v-e-r-y slow. So I saw it as a great opportunity to reorganise the shelves and scraps in my teeny weeny sewing space.

I got myself this large box some time ago for storage. Small bits and pieces of fabric were piled up inside in pretty much one big mess. I tried using small zip lock bags to store scraps sorted by colour. But that system didn't work well, the bags kept getting messier and messier every day. So that rainy weekend I reorganised my Scrappy Box.

This is what I have inside now. I wish I took a photo before I started the sorting out process. The difference is amazing. I used two packs of noodle gift boxes that fit perfectly inside this large box. All tiny bits of fabric got sorted out by colour. Larger pieces, that are too small to be kept on shelves but too big for noodle boxes, were folded and put in the bigger box. Inside the square box in the bottom right corner I have small leftover pieces of fabric that were ironed onto fusible web.

It's tidy and neat, and the most important thing is it's practical. The box just sits on the floor in my sewing space and whenever I need some scraps, they are right here.

One more thing that I managed to do that rainy weekend. I made small compartments for the boxes that sit on the shelves. I collected some cardboard boxes (from cereal and things like that), then arranged them inside the large boxes. Once I was happy with the arrangements, I cut the tops off on the same hight and then filled them with sewing supplies. Very easy, simple and practical again.

While being all tangled in ribbons and lace, I remembered about the clothing cardboard tags I collected for scrapbooking (that I never managed to do). The tags came in very handy for storing lace and they look quite pretty in a simple plastic container with a bit of fabric and twine.

I am sure it's not something new, nothing really is new under the Sun. But I thought I would share these simple solutions with you anyway. Who knows, you might find them useful or they might inspire you to find your own simple solutions. Happy organising! Larisa xo


  1. Some useful ideas there, Larisa. Thank you.

    1. Glad you find them useful. Thank you for visiting! :-)
