
Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Lacy Zipper + Pretty Fabric

What do you get when you put together a piece of pretty fabric and a lacy zipper? Of course a pretty little pencil case!

I had this piece of colourful patchwork fabric that wasn't enough for any large project but just perfect for something small. It's such a happy mix of prints that I didn't really want to combine it with any other fabric. And a few days ago I was lucky to spot this lacy zipper at a Japanese two dollar shop. The two items were meant to be put together. Don't you think so? A simple case for pencils or maybe some tools like scissors, markers, rotary cutters...

I didn't use a pattern, but rather played around while sewing and it turned out quite good. Yet another quick and simple project that can be easily turned into a pretty gift.

We are finally getting some sunshine after days of strong winds and heavy rains and it feels great to see the blue skies again. Wishing you all warmth and sunny weather! Larisa xox


  1. How pretty. I've never seen a zip like that.

    1. Thank you! I've seen them before but it's for the first time I've used it; I am not sure how durable they are though. Time will tell. :-)

  2. Darling pencil case; I agree that the zip was made for that fabric! I hope the zip holds up; it turned out perfectly for not using a pattern!!

    1. Thank you, Gina! I was surprised that there were no any major problems during the process because quite often I miscalculate everything. I do hope the zip holds up.

  3. Really pretty and would be lovely for make up brushes, they might be gentler on wear than pencils! Love it.

    1. Thanks, Carole! I love your idea! The brushes are definitely more gentler than pencils or sewing tools. The case can be filled with brushes as a gift too. Thank you!

  4. It's very pretty, Larisa. I find it rewarding to find small projects for using up pieces of fabric that are too small for something larger, but not small enough to throw away.

    1. Thanks, Dina! I think the more I sew, the more I feel like saving up even the tiniest pieces of fabric. I agree with you, it's truly rewarding.

  5. So pretty - someone is going to love it! (if you aren't tempted to keep it yourself)

    1. Thank you, Catherine! Well, I made this case just because I felt like sewing something, haven't had any clear plans for it really. But I have a tendency to keep some things because I can't part with them :-)
