
Thursday, 23 April 2015

Apples, Apples and More Apples...

I felt like doing some paper piecing lately. I kept thinking of making some strawberries but ended up with a selection of apples: Red Delicious, Granny Smith, Pink Lady and Golden Delicious. What a variety!

I didn't have time to create my own pattern so I found a free paper piecing pattern here and got a bit carried away with making apples. I was going to make just one, but you know how addictive quilting blocks are, so I made a few. Just a couple of seams at a time while the baby was cat napping, because when the baby is really sleeping, I end up cooking or cleaning or ironing... You know, all the boring important things. It took me a while but still it was fun.

I am already using two blocks for a small and quick project and have two more ideas in my head. But the question now is - where do I find the time? I wish I could buy it on eBay or Etsy. Hehe...

I was trying to decide which apple I like the best. You see, when it comes to eating, I know my favourite kind but when it comes to these colourful fabric apples... I cannot choose. I like them all.

Wishing you all just a few more extra minutes for your favourite activities between all the boring important things you have to do. Larisa xox


  1. Cute apples!! I like the background fabric too! I often wish that I did not need sleep and could work all day and sew all night. You having a newborn are on a 24 hour schedule! I am glad you have been able to do a little creating as it really does help keep us sane!

    1. Thanks Gina! That would be a dream! It seems that there is never enough time in one day for all the things we want to do. It's a completely new life now but we are adjusting quite well. Some days are better than others but I am happy with even a few minutes of crafting really. :-)

  2. What a delicious selection of apples! I'm so pleased for you that you have been able to find time for sewing.

    1. Thank you very much, Dina! So far so good but things might change... You never know with tiny babies. Right? At the moment I am happy with whatever time I can get for my sewing.

  3. These look really tasty! :) And so cute!
    It's amazing that you find time to sew at all! Only now (after over a year my lo was born) I find the time to do a bit of stitching...and it's just a bit!

    1. It's lovely to see you here, Ann! Thank you for your comment. The apples are so easy and fun to sew! I think it's a bit easier to manage everything the second time around; with my first son I hardly had time for anything at all apart from feeding, changing, rocking him to sleep and just sitting on a sofa watching the clock waiting for my husband to come home from work. Hehe... :-)

  4. They are perfect.Good for you finding time to craft. I am retired and struggle to find time, you are managing your time well, enjoy.

    1. Thank you very much, Carole! I am trying my best (not always successfully though). I know there will be time when I will have to chase this Little One all the time but for now, while he is by my side sleeping, I try to treat myself with just a few minutes of sewing here and there during the week.
