
Sunday, 27 March 2016

The Splendid Sampler: Blocks No.5 - No.8

When I saw all the amazing blocks being made by the participants around the world, it made me think. Think of my final quilt and how it would look.

Many decided to use one line of fabric for the entire project or to stick to a few particular colours. I felt like I had no print "theme" or colour "scheme" for my quilt, no vision at all I should say. I was just pulling some bits and pieces of fabrics I liked and putting them together. I kept thinking of my work and even considered buying some new fabric for this project and re-doing all the blocks altogether. But I did not, I waited, I gave myself a bit of time. With each new block I am beginning to feel more and more confident and see the direction I am heading for. And this combination of colours is really me - pink and blue, and a bit of green are the colours I am mostly drawn to. I am happy now to use fabric from my stash mostly and add a few new prints here and there if needed. After all, this project is all about having fun and learning new things along the way.

May I introduce you block number 5 "Simple Simon" designed by Celine Perkins. A nice block that is quite easy, fast and fun to sew.

"Focal Point" is a block by Natalia Bonner. I absolutely love this block, I love the prints and colours of it playing together. Unfortunately, I made this block too small. I have no idea where I went wrong, probably made the seam allowance a bit too big and then trimmed the edges a bit too much. I have to find some time and re-do this block, hopefully I will have enough scraps for it.

"Snug as a Bug" is a cute block designed by Amy Sinibaldy. This block is so me! It has everything I love about hand sewing - simplicity, a bit of embroidery that looks like a sketch and of course my favourite running stitches. I used linen as a base for this block. For the quilt I used the same technique as for the previous applique and for Mr Squash. The quilt was a bit puffy, so when I added the stitching on top, the quilt became wrinkled. I think it gives an impression of a real quilt all scrunched and wrinkled snuggling the tiny person underneath.

"Friends Around the Square" is designed by Julie Karasek. A very simple, but lovely block that is sewn entirely out of half square triangles.

I am a bit behind on The Splendid Sampler project, three blocks to be exact, but that's alright. I am sure I will catch up somehow. Have a fantastic day! Larisa xox


  1. There are some lovely block designs in this project and you are using such gorgeous fabrics, as always. :)

    1. Dina, thank you very much! Some of the blocks are really lovely and I would love to use some of them for different projects one day. There is so much to learn and there are so many ideas that I want to try. :-)

  2. I am learning loads Larissa with SS, your blocks are so you! Snug as a bug is fab, I am just about to start mine, will post some photos soon. Am finding the measuringu a bit hit and miss, but it's a great journey so far!x

    1. Yes, there are so many things to learn! I am trying to be more careful with cutting all the pieces, making sure that I am using the same quilting ruler for all the blocks, leaving the same seam allowance and measure things during the process. I am a bit behind again. :-)

  3. Love them all, colourway is gorgeous, sweet and gentle!

    1. Thank you very much, Carole! Mixing prints and colours is not that easy for me, so it's a learning process as well. I am looking forward to your blocks! Are you going to publish them on Flickr as well?
