
Sunday, 31 July 2016

Little Foxy

I don't get much time to sketch these days. I find that I cannot sit and sketch if I know that I am going to be interrupted which is always the case with a little one around. I need some time to relax, get in the right mood and most of all be inspired. Well, some time ago, while we were having our usual late cup of tea, just the three of us, me, my Dear Husband and our not so little boy, I felt like doodling a bit. I just sat there sipping my tea, chatting and scribbling on paper. That's what came out of that late night doodling. A cute little fox with a couple of autumn leaves drifting in the air.

I was not sure how I wanted to embroider this little lad. I picked some lovely autumnly embroidery floss colours, but at the end decided to go with my usual brown contour colour and just a touch of pale pink for the nose and some brownish-orange for the leaves. I still want to do another version of this pattern with a bit more colour. But I do like embroidery done in a way of a pencil sketch. That was my vision when I just started my stitching adventure. Anyway, do you see that cute cardigan with wooden buttons? Well, this foxy was embroidered on a baby onesie to go along with this cardigan. I have to say it looks very cute on my little one.

I have two more sketches of this little fellow. Will see where those ones would end up. Happy inspirations everyone! Larisa xox

P.S.: Yesterday was a slow and quiet day here. Our little one is not well and we had to miss our usual skating and stayed at home making him feel comfortable. I had some time to myself while he slept or was looked after by the rest of the family and was happy to "come across" that particular "inspired mood". You never know when it's going to hit you. :-) I picked up a pencil and brush, some paints, paper and that's what came out of that little spare time that I had yesterday.

Wishing you a week full of inspirations! Larisa xox


  1. You should be illustrating books!xx

    1. You make me blush, Carole. :-) But I have to tell you the truth, there is one book that I would love to illustrate one day - a collection of poems that my Mum wrote for my son. This particular picture is based on one of the poems. :-) xox

  2. Sweet and cosy :) they do look like illustrations... Well done, Larisa

    1. Thank you very much, Lily! I enjoy playing with pencils and brushes sometimes. It's a lot of fun! :-)
