...once you master the skill, you never really forget it.
Wednesday, 5 March 2025
Wednesday, 12 February 2025
Meditation Scroll Adventure Continues
I have a collection of small and large blocks, embroidered pieces, and various unfinished experiments - some were created during pattern testing, while others were trials of new ideas that never developed into complete patterns or finished projects.
Wednesday, 5 February 2025
Meditation Scrolls
Have you ever heard of "Slow Stitching Scrolls" or "Meditation Scrolls"? I am particularly drawn to the name "Meditation Scroll" because it beautifully reflects the heart of this craft - slow, repetitive soothing stitching that bring a sense of calm and comfort without any pressure.
Thursday, 19 December 2024
We are saying goodbye to the Sip Tea and EPP party
Well, another year of the Sip Tea and EPP party has come to an end, and what a wonderful year it’s been! It might not have been as productive as we hoped at the start, but we can still be proud of everything we have achieved. One of the highlights was our fun and successful Mystery sew-along. It was incredible to see your creativity and passion for sewing as well as the support and encouragement.
Every Thursday, without fail, Larisa and I showed up to cheer you on and share inspiration through our own creations. We asked questions, exchanged tips and ideas and simply enjoyed the warmth of being together with our wonderful sewing community.
The feedback on our Motivational Thursdays has been amazing this year. It’s been so rewarding to hear how these sessions have helped you make significant progress on your long-term projects. That’s what the heart of the Sip Tea and EPP party was about from the very start: a low-pressure, limited-effort event that brought joy and connection.
We are incredibly proud of how the party grew over the years and touched so many people. It brought so much joy, creativity, and countless wonderful memories, for which we will always be grateful. However, as bittersweet as it is, it is time to say goodbye to the Sip Tea and EPP party. Larisa and I need to refocus our time and energy on other important aspects of our lives.
Thank you for being part of this incredible journey with us - from the first days when the Sip Tea and EPP party was just an idea to the amazing community it became over the years. Your participation, creativity and enthusiasm have meant so much to us and it’s been a privilege to share this space with all of you. The connections we have made, the projects we have celebrated together and the support you have shown one another are what made this experience so special. We couldn’t have done it without you and we will always cherish the memories we have created together. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! ❤️❤️❤️
We wish you a Happy Holiday Season filled with warmth, love, and peace. May the New Year bring endless opportunities and new adventures! With love, Larisa and Irina ❤️
Thursday, 1 February 2024
Octagons and Squares Mystery Project 2024
The first Mystery project of 2024 for the Sip Tea and EPP party is almost here! This time around, Irina and I have something special for you: we are going to introduce you to the lesser-known but equally delightful EPP shapes. Say goodbye to the usual hexagons and diamonds, because we will be exploring octagons and squares!
Prepare all your supplies and get ready to discover how to create practical and sweet makes that will beautifully complement our previous sewing projects. We believe that when it comes to making sewing accessories, there is always room for more! In this blog post you will find out about all the supplies and fabric choices you need for this exciting project.
Wednesday, 17 January 2024
Sip Tea and EPP Party 2024
Welcome to the 6th season of the Sip Tea and EPP party! Can you believe it’s been six wonderful years already? Time flies when we are sewing together! Over the years, we have been sharing our passion for English Paper Piecing (EPP) and hand sewing, and building an incredible community along the way. This is the fourth year that we (Irina @nordiccrafter and I, Larisa @stitchingnotes) are hosting the party together! It’s been an amazing journey, and we are thrilled to begin another year of sewing together with you.
Our party is back on the 18th of January, and we start the year with a sneak peek at our plans and a few small changes coming your way this season as well as an introduction of the party to new people.
Monday, 3 April 2023
Tutorial: Hello, Kloosha! Easter Ornament
With just a few days before Easter you still have time to make this cute chicken ornament that is perfect for hanging on your Easter tree or using it as a charming decoration in your home. The best part is, all you need is a small piece of fabric and some embroidery floss to make this sweet chicken. So why not give it a try and bring a smile to your face this Easter season!
Here's what you'll need:
- 2 pieces 5" x 5.5" of lightweight or medium weight linen or quilting cotton in natural colour
- Embroidery floss in dark brown, red, yellow, pink and green
- Embroidery needles
- Soft fill
- Sewing accessories
- Optional: A small piece of ribbon or string if you want to make a hanging ornament
1. To start, download and print out the chicken template at the bottom of this page. Cut out the template.
2. Put two pieces of linen right sides together. Centre the template on sandwiched pieces, pin it and trace it with a water/heat removable pen. Mark the opening.
3. Set the stitch length to 1.8 (or the one shorter than you sew with) on your machine and stitch on the marked line. Backstitch the start and the end of the seam.
4. Trim the seam allowance to about 1/8" and clip the curves and corners.
5. Carefully turn the chicken right side out, pushing all the corners out gently. Using a small amount of soft fill, fill the chicken until it's plump and firm. Do not overstuff it.
6. Sew the opening closed by hand with a Ladder stitch.
7. Use a running stitch and two strands of brown embroidery floss to trace the shape of the chicken on both sides. Then use two strands of red floss and long straight stitches to add the comb, two strands of yellow floss to add the beak. For the eye use brown floss and Colonial knots.
Optional: You can add flowers on the side of the chicken. For the flowers I used two strands of floss and used a Lazy Daisy stitch and Colonial knots.
Here you have it a cute chicken Easter ornament. You can easily enlarge the pattern and make chickens of various sizes. You can add a ribbon loop if you would like to hang your chicken on a tree. Happy sewing and happy Easter!
Larisa xo